P.O. Box 2175 Mill Valley, CA 94942 USA alpoz@prodigy.net phone 510-233-4990 |
Alp Ozberker is an internationally recognized artist. He has been a
regular feature at California art festivals for decades. Over the last
30 years Alp has become a virtual institution in San Francisco's parks and
plazas, where he regularily shows in the warmer months. ![]() (A new window will popup) Google Says... What have others said about Alp? "I liked the whimsical nature of the etchings, and I knew he could portray the weirdness and beauty we see at the seafloor..." -- Geologist Dan Fornari Woods Hole MA (USA) "In artist Alp Ozberker’s deep-sea vent world, anemones have jagged teeth, starfish pucker red lips and visitors drift through black smokers in yellow submarines. The California-based artist may be among the first to show shrimp, black smokers and even the submersible Alvin in popular art." -- Amy Nevala, Middle of the Indian Ocean "If Dr Seuss created a universe for adults while on acid, it might look like Alp Ozberker's work... Pure genius." -- Noah Brunn, Vancouver BC (Canada). "He does a really good impression of a dancing walrus." -- Mika McKinnon, Santa Barbara CA (USA). |
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© Alp Ozberker, 2004. Designed & Hosted by OpenDNA.com |